Haiqi equipment leasing mode
According to the market and user needs, Haiqi adopts a diversified cooperation mode to smoothly ensure the stable operation of customer projects, reduce customer investment risks, increase customer competitiveness in the market and maximize benefits. Haiqi took the opportunity to launch a flexible cooperation model, which provides technical services to customers in the form of product leasing.
Product rental service
1. Provide customers with a complete set of equipment system solutions according to the on-site evaluation of Haiqi's professional technical team, and make a proposal for the use site and construction process of on-site equipment.

2. The owner of the commercial part only needs to prepay 50% of the quality guarantee deposit to take the goods to the project site for use, and the lease contract shall be signed at least 2 years after signing. Haiqi will provide corresponding technical services according to the monthly rent paid by customers, and can also provide paid operation and maintenance services according to customers' conditions.
Equipment lead time
The customized equipment can be delivered to the project site in about 3-4 months if Haiqi is required to provide customized solutions at the owner's site.
If the system is not customized, it can be delivered in 2-3 months according to Haiqi's conventional equipment model.
The customer has on-site auxiliary equipment to meet the service conditions, and it only takes about 30-40 days to complete the delivery of Haiqi stand-alone system.
The customer does not need any auxiliary machine to use Haiqi's conventional products on site, and the delivery of equipment system can be completed in about 15 days.
Service process
1. Pre-project review
2. On-site guidance and communication of technical and business personnel
3. Sign a business lease contract
4. Project production delivery site
5. Technical personnel visit to guide the installation
6. Equipment remote service
Equipment leasing process
1. Due diligence of the owner's enterprise
2. Sign leasing service contract
3. Delivery of leased equipment
4. Complete guiding operation
Lease term
According to the actual situation of the owner, Haiqi Company has launched a service contract with different service life of two years, three years and five years, and the rent rate generated by different service life is also different. After the end of the lease period, Haiqi will check and accept the use of the equipment. If there is no major equipment damage, the deposit will be returned to the owner.
The user equipment with a 5-year lease term will be given to the owner free of charge, and the deposit will be returned to the customer in the original way.
Select a user with a 2-3 year lease term, and the service contract can be renewed or terminated at any time after the lease term expires.
System configuration
1. The system is equipped with skid-mounted modular unit as standard, which is easy to install and maintain, and can be completed in about one week from installation to use.

2. The system control adopts a mobile modular control room, which can reduce more than 90% of the debugging time for convenient movement.

3. The system is equipped with Siemens control and Siemens electromechanical as standard to ensure the safe, stable and continuous operation of the system and reduce the electromechanical failure rate.

4. The core components of the fuselage are made of 310S nickel alloy stainless steel to ensure that the system life is not less than 15 years and the continuous operation of the system under working conditions.
Repair and maintenance
1. The normal maintenance of the equipment is provided by Haiqi team for a fee. Haiqi will make an appointment with the owner in advance for free on-site maintenance according to the user's use.

2. For equipment maintenance, if it is judged that it is man-made damage and not the quality problem of the equipment itself, Haiqi needs to provide paid services for the owner. The damaged parts will be charged for the cost. The engineer will need 300USD salary and round-trip board and lodging expenses every day. 24 hours in China, 48 hours in Southeast Asia, 72 hours in Europe and North America. In case of equipment quality problems, we will provide repair services for customers free of charge.
Haiqi can reduce the investment risk of its partners through technical joint venture, and at the same time, it can avoid the worries of project operation and maintenance, let the professional team do professional things, save worry and money, let the partners spare energy to expand more projects, and hand over the technical problems to Haiqi. The win-win development of both parties is the absolute principle. This is also the way to achieve sustainable development with customers following the product concept of sustainable development of Haiqi products.
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