Biomass Gasification Power Generation System
Haiqi Biomass Gasification Power Generation System is an industrial non-standard system equipment designed, developed and manufactured by Haiqi with full independent intellectual property rights. The raw material sources are widely applicable to biomass, tree branches, rice husks, straw, nut shells, coconut shells, Palm shells, wood chips, building templates, furniture factory waste, etc.
The main process of biomass gasification power generation system
The main processes of Haiqi biomass gasification power generation system are internal combustion engine power generation, external combustion engine power generation, steam turbine power generation, and ORC system power generation. Since biomass gas is a mixed gas, which contains mixed impurities such as wood tar, wood vinegar and a small amount of ash, it is necessary to perform a gas purification before entering the generator to ensure that the combustible gas entering the engine is clean, which can Extend the service life and maintenance frequency of the engine.
Haiqi Biomass Gasification Main Types
The type of biomass gasification used by Haiqi is fixed bed suction type. The advantages of this system are stable gas production and operation, strong reliability and continuity. It is often used in industrial applications. The gasification temperature of this system is between 750 ° C and 850 ° C. The flammable mixed gas produced is CO, CH4, H2, and the other incombustible gas is N2. The gasification efficiency is >75%, and about 3-5% of biochar can be produced. The production ratio of biochar can be increased again if there are specific requirements.
Haiqi Internal Combustion Biomass Power Generation System
It mainly includes: feeding system, storage and drying system, heat exchange system, biomass gasification system, combustible gas purification system, power generation system, waste heat utilization system, and 5G intelligent energy control system.
Haiqi Biomass Steam Power Generation System
It mainly includes: material feeding system, material storage drying system, biomass gasification system, biomass combustible gas combustion system, gas steam boiler system, steam power generation system, flue gas purification system, and 5G intelligent energy control system.
Haiqi Biomass External Power Generation System
It mainly includes: material storage and feeding system, heat exchange system, biomass gasification system, purification system, Stirling external power generation system, waste heat utilization system, flue gas purification system, and 5G intelligent energy control system.
Haiqi Biomass ORC Power Generation System
It mainly includes: material feeding system, material storage drying system, biomass gasification system, biomass combustible gas combustion system, gas steam boiler system, ORC power generation system, flue gas purification system, and 5G intelligent energy control system.
The above four small-scale distributed power generation systems are flexibly configured based on the Haiqi biomass gasification system. Haiqi can be flexibly configured according to the energy demand of customers. It can also focus on miniaturized skid-mounted design to reduce the customer's overall EPC cost and help customers use energy flexibly.
Each of these four systems has different working conditions and efficiencies. From the perspective of customers, they all hope to choose a system with higher cost performance. For Haiqi, suitability is the most important thing. If we only look at the power generation efficiency of the system, the efficiency of the internal combustion engine and the external combustion engine is the highest, and its heat loss is low, and the combustible gas can be directly converted into electrical energy through mechanical energy.

Compared with steam turbine and ORC, steam medium is needed to convert mechanical energy and electrical energy, and the power generation efficiency is reduced. The advantage is that cogeneration can be applied in colder northern regions, and steam power generation can generate a large amount of waste heat, which is the first choice for CHP projects.

If customers want to increase additional income in addition to power generation, they can choose internal combustion engine and external combustion engine power generation system, because in addition to thermal power, they can get additional high value-added by-products such as wood acetic acid and wood tar, plus biomass charcoal, which can improve the project. The payback cycle is long, and the comprehensive utilization of biomass is eaten dry and squeezed out.
Biomass Gasification Internal Combustion Power Generation System Case
Biomass Gasification Steam Power Generation System Case
Biomass Gasification Power Generation Case
Combustible Gas Purification System
Combustible Gas Purification System
Project Panorama
Project Panorama
Skid-Mounted Power Generation System
Skid-Mounted Power Generation System
Project Location: Thailand
Project Power: 500kw/H
Project Materials: Wood Chips, Palm Shells
Raw Material Price: 82USD/T
Ppa Agreement Electricity Price: 0.28USD/Kwh
System Labor: 2 People
System Operation: 7500h/Year
System Generates Anger: 0.5T/H
Production Of Wood Vinegar: 150kg/H
Wood Tar Production: 30kg/H
Biochar Production: 60kg/H
Raw Material Consumption: 550kg-600kg/H
Calorific Value Of Raw Materials: 4000kcal/kg-4500kcal/kg
ROI: 2 Years
Project Panorama
Project Panorama
Project Panorama
Project Panorama
Slagging System
Slagging System
Project Location: Malaysia
Project Power: 2.4MW/H
Project Raw Materials: Wood Chips, Straw, Bamboo Chips
Raw Material Price: 70USD/T
Ppa Agreement Electricity Price: 0.19USD/Kwh
System Labor: 2 People
System Operation: 7500H/Year
System Generates Steam: 25T/H
Biochar Production: 600kg/H
Raw Material Consumption: 5500kg-6500kg/H
Calorific Value Of Raw Materials: 3800kcal-4500kcal/Kg
ROI: 2 Years
Project Panorama
Project Panorama
Internal Combustion Power Generation System
Internal Combustion Power Generation System
Drying System
Drying System
Project Location: China
Project Power: 500KW/H
Project Raw Materials: Wood Chips, Straw
Raw Material Price: 74USD/T
PPA Agreement Electricity Price: 0.089USD/KWH
System Labor: 2 People
System Operation: 7500H/Year
System Generates Anger: 0.5T/H
Production Of Wood Vinegar: 150kg/H
Wood Tar Production: 30kg/H
Biochar Production: 60kg/H
Raw Material Consumption: 550kg-600kg/H
Calorific Value Of Raw Materials: 3200kcal-4000kcal/kg
ROI: 2 Years
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We provide medium and long-term solutions to the problems of biomass waste, transforming waste into energy at no environmental cost and making it economically viable and at the same time compatible with the international environmental regulations and standards
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